Our fully certified processing plant in the Athi River EPZA in Machakos County is able to safely treat over 70,000T of organic waste annually, and it processes waste into useful agricultural inputs.

Waste generated in cities of emerging economies is growing faster than ever. Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya produces nearly 1 million tons of solid waste annually. Already facing antiquated waste management systems and using over-capacity landfill spaces, most of the waste is illegally dumped, creating a devastating impact on the environment and public health.
In line with Kenya’s development blueprint (Vision 2030) and its guiding principle of reducing the effects of waste in cities, City Fresh uses modern technologies to offer high quality waste management services which include segregation, collection, removal and overall support towards reduction of waste generated by corporates and municipalities.
Our fully certified Organics Recycling Factory located at EPZA, in Athi River, Machakos County is able to safely treat over 70,000T of organic waste annually, and convert it to high quality agricultural inputs and clean energy.

Evergrow Organic Fertilizer is a nutrient-rich, fully decomposed organic fertilizer made of 100% organic products. It improves soil health and adds organic matter to the land, upgrading the traditional practice of organic matter supplementation.

KuzaPro© is an insect-based protein feed sold to feed millers for livestock production. It is manufactured from rearing and harvesting of black soldier fly larvae, which consume and convert large quantities of organic waste into fat and protein.

EverMoto briquettes are a clean source of energy derived from biomass. An alternative to charcoal fuel that was banned in Kenya in 2018, Evermoto briquettes are environmentally friendly, affordable and of high quality.